Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Expansion

Calgary, AB

This expansion of the existing Nature Centre aims to enhance engagement with and access to the federally designated Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.

At the project’s outset, a visioning session with the City and internal stakeholders defined the key themes of connecting with nature and engendering respect for the natural environment. Coupled with a facility and needs assessment, the project team developed a holistic response to the existing facility by clearly understanding existing conditions and future needs.

MBAC and the rest of the consultant team pursued various options early on in the design process that utilized existing interior spaces, minimized footprint to reduce costs, expanded natural grassland, and enhanced an existing exhibition space to encourage learning and engagement of the Nature Centre’s visitors. To this end, the project’s phasing and construction access plans were detailed to minimize impact to grassland and nesting habitat.

Photo Credit: Adrien Williams

This expansion of the existing Nature Centre aims to enhance engagement with and access to the federally designated Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.

At the project’s outset, a visioning session with the City and internal stakeholders defined the key themes of connecting with nature and engendering respect for the natural environment. Coupled with a facility and needs assessment, the project team developed a holistic response to the existing facility by clearly understanding existing conditions and future needs.

MBAC and the rest of the consultant team pursued various options early on in the design process that utilized existing interior spaces, minimized footprint to reduce costs, expanded natural grassland, and enhanced an existing exhibition space to encourage learning and engagement of the Nature Centre’s visitors. To this end, the project’s phasing and construction access plans were detailed to minimize impact to grassland and nesting habitat.

Photo Credit: Adrien Williams